Obituary Form

Download Sample Obituary

Use this sample template to assist you in writing an obituary.

About Writing an Obituary

  • The Post Bulletin now allows families to submit the obituary in paragraph form. The obituary will appear just as you write it.
  • We will place an obituary for you in local and/or out-of-town papers of your choosing.
  • Obituary charges vary greatly among papers and once the obituary is finalized we will be able to determine what each paper will charge you for running the obituary.
  • A copy of the final obituary will also appear, at no charge, on our website,
  • For families that choose our Simply Cremation Plan, the obituary and service information will not be published on our website because we will not be conducting or overseeing the service.
  • If you have any questions, please contact Byron Funeral Home at (507) 315-1330

Submit Obituary Online

You are free to submit an obituary in the box below exactly as you would like it to be worded and we will run the obituary exactly as you have entered it.

Tips: We recommend initially typing your obituary in a Word Processing tool such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Then, print out the obituary, proofread it at least 3 times, have other family members or friends review the content for errors, omissions, typos, etc. Once finalized, copy and paste the obituary into the box below.

  • This field is required. A copy of this form will be sent to this email address.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Image must be in a .jpg or .jpeg file format and under 10MB in size.
  • Why a math problem? This simple math question helps guarantee the integrity of our submissions.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Have a Question?

Call us at (507) 315-1330 or send us a message using the form below.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.